How To Get To Ijen Crater From Bali

How To Get To Ijen Crater From Bali

How To Get To Ijen Crater From Bali

If you’re looking to experience the natural wonders of Indonesia, a visit to Ijen Crater is a must. Situated in East Java, this stunning volcano offers breathtaking views of the crater lake and unique geological formations. In this section, we will guide you through the steps to reach Ijen Crater from the popular tourist hub of Bali.

Key Takeaways:

  • Discover the route to Ijen Crater from Bali
  • Learn about transportation options from Bali to Banyuwangi
  • Find suitable accommodation in Banyuwangi
  • Get tips on preparing for the Ijen Crater trek
  • Explore the mesmerizing Ijen Crater and its unique wonders

Traveling from Bali to Banyuwangi

Before reaching Ijen Crater, we must first travel from Bali to Banyuwangi, located in East Java. Fortunately, there are several transportation options available to make this journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible.

Flights to Banyuwangi

The quickest and most convenient way to travel from Bali to Banyuwangi is by taking a flight. Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali operates daily flights to Banyuwangi’s Blimbingsari Airport, which take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Airlines such as Garuda Indonesia, Citilink, and Lion Air offer regular flights between these two cities.

Ferry Services to Banyuwangi

Another option for reaching Banyuwangi is by taking a ferry from Bali. Ferries operate between Gilimanuk (Bali’s westernmost port) and Ketapang (Banyuwangi’s port) around the clock, with a journey duration of approximately 1 hour. These ferries can accommodate both passengers and vehicles, making them a popular choice for those who wish to transport their cars or motorbikes between the islands.

Private Car Charter

If you prefer a more personalized experience, a private car charter service may be the best option for you. Many companies offer car rental services in Bali that can take you directly to Banyuwangi, with the option for a driver or self-drive. This journey takes around 4-5 hours, depending on the traffic.

No matter which mode of transportation you choose, we recommend booking in advance to avoid any inconvenience or delays.

Arriving in Banyuwangi

Now that you’ve traveled from Bali to Banyuwangi, it’s time to find suitable accommodation for your stay. Banyuwangi offers various accommodation options, from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury resorts.

Pro tip: Consider booking accommodation in advance, especially during peak tourist season, to ensure availability and better rates.

Accommodation Type Price Range (USD) Location
Guesthouses 10-30 Near the city center
Hotels 30-100 City center or coastal areas
Resorts 100+ Coastal areas

Once settled in, you can arrange transportation for your journey to Ijen Crater. Options include hiring a private car or motorbike, hiring a local guide, or joining a group tour.

Pro tip: If you choose to hire a local guide, ensure they are licensed and familiar with the trekking route.

Preparing for the Ijen Crater Trek

Before embarking on the Ijen Crater trek, it’s essential to make necessary preparations. Here are some important tips on how to prepare for the adventure:

What to Pack

Make sure to pack comfortable hiking shoes, lightweight clothing, and a jacket or sweater as the temperature can drop at higher altitudes. Bring enough water, snacks, sunscreen, and insect repellent. A flashlight or headlamp is also necessary for the early morning start to witness the Blue Flame phenomenon.

Best Time to Visit Ijen Crater

The best time to visit Ijen Crater is during the dry season from April to October, when the trekking conditions are optimal. However, be prepared for crowded conditions during peak season, especially between July and August.

Permits and Fees

Access to Ijen Crater requires a permit, which can be obtained at the entrance gate. The entrance fee is IDR 100,000 (approximately USD 7) for foreigners and IDR 5,000 (approximately USD 0.35) for locals.

It’s essential to keep in mind that the trek to Ijen Crater is not easy and requires a moderate level of fitness. Therefore, it’s crucial to prepare your mind and body well in advance of your visit.

Starting the Ijen Crater Trek

Now that we’ve arrived at the base camp, it’s time to begin the Ijen Crater trek. The hike to the crater is approximately 3 kilometers long and takes about 2 hours. Throughout the trek, you’ll be surrounded by stunning scenery and unique geological formations.

The hiking trails are well-maintained, but they can be steep and challenging at times. It’s important to wear comfortable, sturdy hiking shoes and bring plenty of water to stay hydrated. The weather can also be unpredictable, so it’s best to dress in layers.

Along the way, you’ll encounter several landmarks, including the sulfur miners’ barracks and a steep incline known as the “final push.” This section of the trek can be particularly strenuous, but the views at the top are well worth it.

What to Expect at the Crater

Once you reach the Ijen Crater, the breathtaking views will make the entire trek worthwhile. The crater is surrounded by steep cliffs, and the bright turquoise waters of the sulfuric lake contrast beautifully against the barren landscape.

It’s important to be cautious when exploring the crater, as the terrain can be unstable and hazardous. Be sure to follow any guidelines or warnings provided by your guide and avoid getting too close to the crater’s edge.

If you’re lucky, you may also witness the Blue Flame phenomenon, which occurs in the early hours of the morning. This natural phenomenon is caused by sulfuric gas igniting as it escapes from the vents in the crater.

After taking in the views and exploring the crater, it’s time to begin the journey back to base camp. The return trek can be just as challenging as the initial hike, so be sure to pace yourself and rest as needed.

Witnessing the Blue Flame Phenomenon

One of the most mesmerizing and surreal attractions at Ijen Crater is the Blue Flame phenomenon. To witness this unique natural occurrence, visitors must begin their trek in the early hours of the morning, typically between midnight and 2 am, to arrive at the crater site before sunrise.

As the sun begins to rise, the blue flame becomes less visible, so it’s essential to arrive before the first light. The blue flame is the result of burning sulfuric gas, which emerges from the cracks of the crater walls. The flames can reach up to five meters high, creating a striking contrast against the dark surroundings.

To safely witness the Blue Flame phenomenon, it’s crucial to follow the guidance of your guide and wear appropriate gear, including a gas mask to protect your respiratory system from the harmful gases.

Important Safety Precautions for Blue Flame Observation

While the Blue Flame phenomenon is an awe-inspiring sight, there are some safety precautions that visitors must keep in mind. The sulfuric gases emitted from the crater are hazardous to human health and can cause respiratory issues if inhaled for extended periods.

Wearing a gas mask during the observation is necessary to reduce the risk of inhaling toxic gas. It’s also recommended to keep a safe distance from the flames and follow the instructions of your guide to avoid any accidents or incidents.

Additionally, visitors should not touch or disturb any elements of the crater, such as the sulfur deposits. These deposits are fragile and can be easily damaged, leading to further environmental issues. Responsible tourism practices should always be followed when visiting natural wonders like Ijen Crater.

Exploring the Crater Lake

Upon reaching the Ijen Crater, you will be greeted by the stunning crater lake. The lake is known for its unique shade of turquoise and is considered one of the most acidic in the world, with a pH level of 0.5. Due to the high sulfur content in the lake, swimming is strictly prohibited. However, visitors can still marvel at its beauty from afar.

The surrounding area of the crater lake is also worth exploring. You can take a leisurely walk around the rim of the crater and take in the breathtaking views. You may also notice the distinct sulfur smell emanating from the surrounding vents.

It’s important to note that the sulfur fumes can be quite strong and potentially harmful to your health. It’s recommended to wear a mask to protect your lungs while exploring the crater lake and its surroundings. You can purchase a mask from local vendors before starting the trek.

While the Ijen Crater is a magnificent natural wonder, it’s important to remember to respect its fragile ecosystem. Do not litter, smoke, or disturb the natural habitats of the surrounding flora and fauna. By being a responsible and sustainable traveler, we can protect and preserve this stunning destination for future generations to enjoy.

Interacting with Miners

One of the unique features of Ijen Crater is the sulfur mining operations that take place there. Miners work hard to extract sulfur from the volcano’s crater, and some visitors might have the opportunity to interact with them. While such interactions can be a rewarding cultural experience, it’s essential to approach them with respect and caution for everyone’s safety.

For instance, some miners might offer to carry visitors’ bags or guide them along the hiking trail. However, it’s important to note that such services are not mandatory, and visitors should only accept them at their discretion. Additionally, visitors should keep their distance from miners during their work and avoid touching or disturbing any tools or equipment.

It’s also vital to be aware of the potential health hazards associated with sulfur mining. Miners are exposed to sulfur dioxide, which can cause respiratory problems, and visitors should wear appropriate face masks and other protective gear while in the area.

By respecting the miners’ work and safety, visitors can learn more about their daily lives and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they face. Remember, interacting with the miners is a privilege and should be treated with the utmost respect.

Safety Considerations

At Ijen Crater, safety should be a top priority to ensure an enjoyable and stress-free experience. Here are some important safety precautions to keep in mind before embarking on the trek.

Proper Hiking Gear

Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes with good traction to prevent slipping on the steep and uneven trails. It’s also recommended to bring a hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses for protection against the sun.

Potential Hazards

Be aware of the potential hazards while hiking, including loose rocks, steep drops, and unpredictable weather conditions. Stay on the designated trails and avoid venturing off the path.

Health Concerns

The fumes and gases emitted from the crater can be harmful to your health, especially if you have respiratory issues. It’s advisable to wear a mask or a cloth covering your nose and mouth. Additionally, bring enough water and stay hydrated throughout the trek, as the hike can be challenging and strenuous.

Respect for the Environment

To preserve this natural wonder, it’s crucial to respect the environment and avoid littering or damaging the ecosystem. Do not touch or disturb any wildlife or vegetation in the area.

By following these safety precautions, you can ensure a safe and memorable adventure at Ijen Crater from Bali.

Capturing the Memories

Visiting Ijen Crater from Bali is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that requires capturing the memories to relive them later. As you trek to the crater, you’ll be greeted by mesmerizing views of the surroundings, and you’ll want to seize every moment of it. Here are some tips for taking stunning photographs of this stunning volcanic landscape.

  • Bring the right gear: Ensure to carry a sturdy tripod to capture clear shots. It would help if you also had a lens with a wide aperture, a camera with manual settings, and spare batteries.
  • Timing is everything: The best time to capture the beauty of Ijen Crater is during the blue hour, just before sunrise or sunset. This time presents a beautiful combination of natural light and otherworldly blue flames.
  • Focus on the details: Ijen Crater offers unique geological formations and a stunning crater lake. Look for opportunities to photograph these details, making your trip more memorable.
  • Respect the environment: Be mindful of your surroundings and the impact of your photography on the environment. Avoid trampling on natural habitats or disturbing the wildlife.

By following these tips, you can capture breathtaking images of Ijen Crater that will help you relive the unforgettable experience again and again.

Returning to Banyuwangi

After the incredible experience of visiting Ijen Crater, it’s time to plan for the return journey to Banyuwangi. There are several transportation options available for the return trip, depending on your budget and travel preferences.

If you are looking for a comfortable and hassle-free option, consider hiring a private car or taxi. This will give you the flexibility to travel at your own pace and make stops at any attractions along the way. Alternatively, you can take a shared minivan or public bus, which are more budget-friendly options.

Shared minivans are a popular mode of transportation in Banyuwangi and are readily available at the base camp parking area. They usually operate from early morning until late afternoon and have fixed routes and fares. Public buses, on the other hand, have more flexible schedules but may take longer to reach your destination.

Regardless of the mode of transportation, it’s essential to book in advance and confirm departure times and fares. It’s also important to keep in mind that return journeys can take longer than expected due to traffic or unforeseen circumstances.

We highly recommend leaving enough time for the return trip to avoid missing any connecting flights or other travel plans. With proper planning and preparation, the return journey from Ijen Crater to Banyuwangi can be a smooth and stress-free experience.

Exploring Banyuwangi

After the exhilarating adventure at Ijen Crater, consider exploring the attractions in Banyuwangi before leaving. This beautiful city in East Java offers a range of options for tourists to indulge in.

Cultural Sites

If you’re interested in learning about the rich cultural heritage of Banyuwangi, there are several sites worth visiting. One of the most popular is the Blambangan Museum, which houses a fascinating collection of artifacts from the Majapahit and Hindu-Buddhist eras. Another must-see destination is the Banyuwangi Ethnographic Museum, which showcases the traditional culture and customs of the local communities.

Natural Wonders

Banyuwangi is also blessed with a diverse range of natural attractions. One of the most picturesque is the Alas Purwo National Park, which boasts stunning scenery, wildlife, and unique flora. The park is home to several hiking trails, waterfalls, and beaches, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers. Another popular spot is the Baluran National Park, which is known for its savannah landscapes and herds of wild animals.

Local Cuisine

No trip to Banyuwangi would be complete without sampling the local cuisine. The city is renowned for its delicious dishes made from fresh seafood and local ingredients. Some of the must-try specialties include nasi tempong, a spicy rice dish served with traditional sides, and pecel, a dish made with boiled vegetables and peanut sauce. For dessert, try the es dawet, a sweet drink made with coconut milk, green rice flour jelly, and sugar syrup.

With its unique blend of culture, nature, and culinary delights, exploring Banyuwangi is an excellent way to wrap up your trip to Ijen Crater.

Returning from Banyuwangi to Bali

After an adventurous trip to Ijen Crater, it’s time to return to Bali. Fortunately, there are several transportation options available to make the return journey convenient for travelers.

The most popular and recommended option is to take a flight from Banyuwangi’s Blimbingsari Airport to Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport. Airlines such as Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air and Citilink operate daily flights for this route. The flight duration is about 1 hour, and fares vary depending on the airline and time of booking. It is advisable to book in advance to get the best rates.

Alternatively, you may take a ferry from Banyuwangi’s Ketapang Port to Bali’s Gilimanuk Port. The ferry ride takes about 30-45 minutes and offers stunning views of the Bali Strait. From Gilimanuk, you can take a taxi or a shuttle bus to reach your desired destination in Bali. Keep in mind that the ferry schedules and availability may vary depending on the season and weather conditions.

If you prefer a more private and comfortable mode of transport, you can hire a private car or taxi to take you to Bali. This option allows you to customize your itinerary and travel at your own pace. It’s advisable to negotiate the price beforehand and hire a reputable driver.

Whichever transportation option you choose, ensure that you have adequate time to reach your destination, especially if you have a connecting flight or other plans in Bali. It’s also essential to keep your valuables safe and secure during the journey.

Tips for a Memorable Trip

Here are some additional tips to help you make the most of your trip to Ijen Crater from Bali:

  • Plan your itinerary in advance, including transportation, accommodation, and activities.
  • Check the weather conditions before embarking on the trek and adjust your plans accordingly.
  • Bring appropriate hiking gear, including sturdy shoes, warm clothing, and a headlamp or flashlight for the Blue Flame phenomenon.
  • Respect the local culture and minimize your impact on the environment by avoiding littering and using responsible tourism practices.
  • Interact respectfully with miners and ask for permission before taking photographs.
  • Experience the local cuisine in Banyuwangi and try traditional dishes such as nasi campur and sate ayam.
  • Take breaks when necessary and stay hydrated throughout the trek.
  • Capture the memories with your camera, but also take time to appreciate the breathtaking scenery around you.
  • Consider extending your stay in Banyuwangi to explore the city’s other attractions, such as the Baluran National Park and the Alas Purwo National Park.
  • Finally, enjoy your trip and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of Ijen Crater!

Sustainability and Responsible Tourism

At Ijen Crater, we are not alone in our admiration for its natural beauty. It is a popular destination for tourists, and with the increase in visitors, it is essential to consider sustainability and responsible tourism.

As responsible travelers, we should strive to minimize our impact on the environment and local communities. It’s important to respect the delicate ecosystem of the crater and strictly follow rules and regulations set by authorities.

When visiting the crater, we should also consider the well-being of the locals who live and work around the area. Engaging in responsible tourism practices and interacting with miners respectfully can create a positive impact on the community.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to support conservation efforts that aim to preserve the natural beauty of Ijen Crater. We can contribute to conservation by participating in eco-friendly activities and avoiding activities that harm the environment.

By adopting responsible tourism practices, we can enjoy the beauty of Ijen Crater while protecting its environment for future generations to come.


At the end of our journey from Bali to Ijen Crater, we hope you have gained enough insights into this incredible destination in East Java, Indonesia. The magnificent volcano and its highlights like the blue flame phenomenon, the mesmerizing crater lake, and the hardworking miners who extract sulfur from the volcano are certainly worth the trip. We have provided you with a detailed guide on how to travel from Bali to Banyuwangi, how to prepare for the trek, and what to expect when you arrive at Ijen Crater. We also shared some tips on capturing the memories and being a responsible traveler. As you plan your trip to Ijen Crater, keep in mind that the journey requires careful preparation and safety precautions. It’s essential to protect both yourself and the environment. By following responsible tourism practices, you can minimize your impact on the ecosystem and contribute to its conservation. We hope our guide has been helpful in planning your trip to Ijen Crater, and we wish you a safe and memorable adventure.


How do I get to Ijen Crater from Bali?

To get to Ijen Crater from Bali, you need to first travel to Banyuwangi in East Java. There are various transportation options available, including flights and ferry services.

What transportation options are available from Bali to Banyuwangi?

You can choose to travel from Bali to Banyuwangi by either taking a flight or a ferry. There are regular flights available from Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport to Banyuwangi’s Blimbingsari Airport. Alternatively, you can take a ferry from Bali to Banyuwangi’s Ketapang Port.

How do I arrange transportation from Banyuwangi to the Ijen Crater?

Once you arrive in Banyuwangi, you can arrange transportation to the Ijen Crater through various means. You can hire a private car or join a tour group that provides transportation services to the crater site. It’s recommended to book in advance to ensure availability.

What preparations do I need to make before trekking to the Ijen Crater?

Before embarking on the Ijen Crater trek, it’s important to pack essential items such as comfortable hiking gear, a flashlight, and plenty of water. You should also check the weather conditions and choose the best time to visit. Additionally, you may need to obtain permits or pay fees for the trek, which can be arranged in advance or upon arrival.

How long is the trek to the Ijen Crater?

The trek to the Ijen Crater usually takes around 1 to 2 hours, depending on your fitness level and the pace you choose. The route involves hiking uphill, so it’s essential to take regular breaks and pace yourself accordingly.

When can I witness the Blue Flame phenomenon at the Ijen Crater?

The Blue Flame phenomenon at the Ijen Crater is best witnessed during the early morning hours, before sunrise. It’s recommended to start the trek early to have a higher chance of experiencing this breathtaking natural phenomenon. However, please note that the visibility of the Blue Flame can vary depending on weather conditions.

Are there any safety precautions I should take while visiting the Ijen Crater?

Safety is paramount when visiting the Ijen Crater. It’s important to wear proper hiking gear, including sturdy shoes and a face mask, as the crater area can be steep and the air can be filled with sulfur fumes. It’s also essential to follow any guidelines provided by your tour guide or local authorities and take caution while exploring the crater and its surroundings.

Can I interact with the miners at the Ijen Crater?

Yes, you can interact with the miners at the Ijen Crater. However, it’s important to do so respectfully and with sensitivity. The miners work in challenging conditions, and it’s crucial to respect their privacy and follow any instructions provided by your tour guide or local authorities.

What photography opportunities are available at the Ijen Crater?

The Ijen Crater offers numerous photography opportunities, including capturing the stunning sunrise views, the Blue Flame phenomenon, and the unique geological formations of the crater. It’s recommended to bring a camera with a wide-angle lens and be mindful of your surroundings while taking photographs.

How can I return to Banyuwangi from the Ijen Crater?

After your Ijen Crater adventure, you can return to Banyuwangi by arranging transportation through the same means you used to reach the crater site. Whether it’s a private car or a tour group, make sure to coordinate with your transportation provider to ensure a smooth journey back to Banyuwangi.

Are there any recommended attractions to explore in Banyuwangi?

Banyuwangi has several attractions to explore if you have extra time. Some of the must-visit places include cultural sites like the Blambangan Museum, natural wonders like the Alas Purwo National Park, and trying local cuisine like the famous seafood dishes. Make sure to plan your itinerary accordingly to make the most of your visit to Banyuwangi.

What transportation options are available to return from Banyuwangi to Bali?

When returning from Banyuwangi to Bali, you can choose from various transportation options. There are regular flights available from Banyuwangi’s Blimbingsari Airport to Bali’s Ngurah Rai International Airport. Alternatively, you can take a ferry from Banyuwangi’s Ketapang Port back to Bali.

Do you have any additional tips for visiting the Ijen Crater from Bali?

Absolutely! Here are some additional tips: plan your itinerary in advance, stay hydrated during the trek, respect the local culture and environment, engage with local guides for an enriching experience, and be mindful of your waste by practicing responsible tourism. These tips will help ensure a memorable and sustainable trip to the Ijen Crater.

How can I contribute to responsible tourism and conservation efforts while visiting the Ijen Crater?

To contribute to responsible tourism and conservation efforts at the Ijen Crater, you can follow guidelines provided by your tour guide or local authorities, avoid littering, respect the flora and fauna, and support local sustainable initiatives. In doing so, you help preserve the natural beauty of the crater for future generations to enjoy.